Change Summary
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Copyright© 2013 National Fire Protection Association (See NEC for complete text) |
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Electric vehicle production and corresponding charging infrastructure have substantially increased in the last few years. To meet these needs, Article 625 has been reorganized and updated providing a practical layout and improved usability of present day electrical requirements. Also, as needed revisions and requirements were provided to accommodate evolving electric vehicle charging equipment technology. The scope was revised to include inductive charging systems and technology. A new informational note was added following the article scope and specifically references UL 2594-2013, Standard for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, and UL 2202-2009, Standard for Electric Vehicle Charging System Equipment. This note identifies the correct product safety standards to which this equipment is evaluated, tested and certified. The article parts have been rearranged for consistency and where necessary, the sections within those parts have been relocated and re-identified for clarity and usability. Various technical revisions were also incorporated into Article 625 as a result of two 2011 Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) and other proposals accepted by Code Making Panel-12. This updated arrangement should simplify application of the various electric vehicle charging by specifying designers and engineers, installers, and Code enforcers.