
800.179(G), 725.179(F), 760.179(F), & 770.179(E) Fire Resistive Listing Requirements for Critical Communication Circuit Cables

Change Summary

  • Common circuit integrity cable or electrical circuit protective system listing requirements were added to Articles 725, 760, 770 and 800
  • Listing information includes installation requirements to maintain the fire rating
  • Common requirements clarify what an electrical circuit protective system is and what type of circuit integrity cable is part of an electrical circuit protective system
NEC® Text

800.179 Communications Wires and Cables
(G) Circuit Integrity (CI) Cable or Electrical Circuit Protective System.
Cables that are used for survivability of critical circuits under fire conditions shall be listed and meet either 800.179(G)(1) or (2) as follows:
(See NEC text)
(1) Circuit Integrity (CI) Cables. Circuit integrity (CI) cables specified in 800.179(A) through (E), and used for survivability of critical circuits, shall have an additional classification using the suffix “CI”.
(See NEC text)
(2) Fire Resistive Cables. Cables specified in 800.179(A) through (E) and 800.179(G)(1), that are part of an electrical circuit protective system, shall be fire-resistive cable identified with the protective system number
(See NEC text)

Copyright© 2013 National Fire Protection Association

(See NEC for complete text)

Leviton Comment

Articles 800.179(G), 725.179(F), 760.179(G) and 770.179(E) were grouped together because the intent of these articles is very much the same (fire-resistive measures).  This grouping makes for a quicker and more user-friendly read of this Pocket Guide.   However there are some variances in text.  Please reference the 2014 NEC Text for exact language.

Expert Analysis

Members of Code Making Panel-3 (CMP-3) and CMP-16 formed a task group to reconcile differences among the various listing requirements of Circuit Integrity (CI) cable and Electrical Circuit Protective System installed for protection of circuits used within Articles 725, 760, 770 and 800. The exact NEC references include 800.179(G), 725.179(F), 760.176(F), and 770.179(E). The task group first agreed that common listing requirements be placed within each article as appropriate, then acted to ensure each article relied on common definitions and finally made certain that only these common listing requirements would be used to revise existing requirements or to become new requirements where necessary within each of the four articles. Revisions in Articles 725 and 760 included replacements actions such as “… suitable for use…” were deleted and the word “used” was added. The phrase “… installed in accordance with the listing of the protective system…” and the term “listed” was added to ensure proper installation and compliance with product standard and 110.3(B). New sections were added to Articles 770 and 800 allowing for their specific differences.


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